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This website is no longer being updated. Most of its content, including research citations, has been transferred to the website for the International Center for Home Education Research (, an organization I have founded along with several colleagues from around the world.

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De Waal, Esther, and Tinie Theron. "Homeschooling as an Alternative Form of Educational Provision in South Africa and the USA." Evaluation & Research in Education 17, no. 2/3 (2003): 144-56.

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Fortune-Wood, Mike. The Face of Home-Based Education 1: Who, Why & How. Nottingham, UK: Educational Heretics Press, 2005.

Fortune-Wood, Mike. The Face of Home-Based Education 2: Numbers, Support, Special Needs. Nottingham, UK: Educational Heretics Press, 2006.

Gabb, Sean. "Homeschooling: A British Perspective." In Home Schooling in Full View: A Reader, edited by Bruce S. Cooper, 199-227. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 2005.

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Last updated: 21-Sep-2012