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This website is no longer being updated. Most of its content, including research citations, has been transferred to the website for the International Center for Home Education Research (, an organization I have founded along with several colleagues from around the world.

PLEASE CHECK OUT ICHER.ORG -- a resource for journalists, policymakers, scholars, and others interested in reviews of recent scholarship, extensive database searches, homeschool regulations, and more.



My name is Rob Kunzman, and I teach in the Indiana University School of Education (for more details about my role there, please see my faculty page).

I was never homeschooled myself, and don’t homeschool my own kids, but I do consider homeschooling a perfectly legitimate educational option, and know many families who do a wonderful job with it. I’ve spent a decade as a public high school teacher, coach, and administrator, but I certainly don’t believe that everyone needs to attend a conventional institution to become well-educated. 

As my Research Publications webpage details, my scholarship focuses on the intersection of religion, citizenship, and education, including several recent publications on homeschooling.  My book from Beacon Press explores the world of conservative Christian homeschooling, offering an accessible and hopefully engaging look into the philosophies and practices of homeschool families from around the United States.

I’ve spent hundreds of hours with homeschool parents and children, talking with them about what they do and why they do it, and observing them as they go about their homeschool days. And as this website hopefully makes clear, I’ve spent many hours examining the academic research literature on homeschooling.

But beyond the formal research studies and scholarly articles, I’ve also kept a close eye on the popular media, collecting literally thousands of news articles from recent years.  As I read article after article that relied on misleading research data (see Three Key Points), it became clear that journalists and the broader public could benefit from a comprehensive look at the research data that wasn't provided by homeschool advocates themselves.

Last updated: 21-Sep-2012