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This website is no longer being updated. Most of its content, including research citations, has been transferred to the website for the International Center for Home Education Research (, an organization I have founded along with several colleagues from around the world.

PLEASE CHECK OUT ICHER.ORG -- a resource for journalists, policymakers, scholars, and others interested in reviews of recent scholarship, extensive database searches, homeschool regulations, and more.



"Education Inadequate at Many Children's Homes." Community Care no. 1886 (2011): 5.

Basso, Anne. "More Regulation or Oversight of Education Is Not Needed." In Homeschooling, edited by Myra Immell, 109-13. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009.

Baxter, Teri Dobbins. "Private Oppression: How Laws That Protect Privacy Can Lead to Oppression." Kansas Law Review 58, no. 2 (2010): 415-71.

Blokhuis, Jason C. "Whose Custody Is It, Anyway?: 'Homeschooling' from a Parens Patriae Perspective." Theory and Research in Education 8, no. 2 (2010): 199-222.

Conroy, James C. "The State, Parenting, and the Populist Energies of Anxiety." Educational Theory 60, no. 3 (2010): 325-40.

Cooper, Judy. "Children's Homes That Make the Grade." Community Care no. 1886 (2011): 16-17.

Duke, Summer A. "Standard Bearers of the Fourth Amendment: The Curious Involvement of Home School Advocates in Constitutional Challenges to Child Abuse Investigations." UMKC Law Review 73, (2003): 137-59.

Endress, Stephen L. "An Analysis of Illinois' Practice of Non-Purposeful Home-Schooling: Policy Recommendations for Illinois Lawmakers." Illinois State University, 2011.

Fairchild, Ellen Elizabeth. "Home Schooling and Public Education in Iowa: The Views of Rural Superintendents." Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 2002.

Gathercole, Rachel. "Homeschooling Is a Widely Misunderstood Movement." In Homeschooling, edited by Myra Immell, 67-83. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009.

Harrop, Froma. "Home Schooling May Hide Parental Instability or Abuse." In Home Schooling, edited by Cindy Mur, 67-69. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 2003.

Hobson, Peter, and Roger Cresswell. "Parental Rights, Education and Liberal Tolerance." Discourse 14, no. 1 (1993): 44-51.

Jalsevac, Meg. "Educational Welfare Must Be Monitored." In Homeschooling, edited by Myra Immell, 106-08. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009.

Jennens, Roger. "Professional Knowledge and Practice in Health, Welfare and Educational Agencies in England in Relation to Children Being Educated at Home: An Exploratory Review." Child Care in Practice 17, no. 2 (2011): 143-61.

Kelly, Philip P. "Educational Neglect and Compulsory Schooling in Idaho: 13,954 Reasons to Take Action." Boise, ID: Center for School Improvement & Policy, Boise State University, 2006.

Kelly, Philip P. "Educational Neglect and Compulsory Schooling: A Status Report." Boise, ID: Center for School Improvement & Policy, Boise State University, 2006.

Kunzman, Robert. Write These Laws on Your Children: Inside the World of Conservative Christian Homeschooling. Boston: Beacon Press, 2009.

Ray, Brian D. "The Harms of Homeschooling? Where Are the Premises?" The Educible Review no. 10 (2010).

Smith, J. Michael. "Response to the Akron Beacon Journal Homeschool Series." 2004.

West, Robin L. "The Harms of Homeschooling." Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly 29, no. 3/4 (2009): 7-11.

Willard, Dennis J., and Doug Oplinger. "Home Schoolers May Be No Safer in Their Homes Than Other Children." Akron Beacon Journal, 17 November 2004.

Willard, Dennis J., and Doug Oplinger. "Home-Schooling Freedoms Help Parents Who Abduct Children." Akron Beacon Journal, 18 November 2004.

Woodhouse, Barbara B. "Speaking Truth to Power: Challenging "The Power of Parents to Control the Education of Their Own"." Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy no. 11 (2002): 481-501.

Last updated: 21-Sep-2012